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افتراضي امتحان انجليزي معاني - امتحان المعاني المعتمد من جامعة اكسفورد

امتحان انجليزي معاني – امتحان المعاني المعتمد من جامعة اكسفورد:
تخضع جامعة اكسفورد طلبتها غير المتحدثين
باللغة الانجليزية الى امتحانات دورية في اللغة الإنجليزية
ويركز امتحان انجليزي المعقود لدى جامعة اكسفورد
على الجوانب العملية من الحياه. امتحان انجليزي
الذي اخترناه لكم في هذه المرة يركز على مصطلحات
حياتية معتادة نحتاجها في الحياة العملية واليومية.
نتمنى لكم اجتياز امتحان انجليزي المتخصص في المعاني بسهولة !
امتحان انجليزي – English exam

امتحان انجليزي معاني مع الحلول

Question number”1″
I never get to class late.
Answer: I [—-] never late for class.
Question number”2″
What’s his address?
Answer: where [——-] live?
Question number”3″
Jane and I think football is boring.
Answer: Jane thinks football is boring, and I [——-] with her.
Question number”4″
What’s the date of your wedding?
Answer: when [—————] married?
Question number”5″
I’ll help you ,,,, the dinner if you like.
Answer: [————] you ,,,, the dinner?
Question number”6″
Pete broke his leg during a rugby match.
Answer: Pete broke his leg when he [———–] rugby.
Question number”7″
began to ,,,, dinner. Then the telephone rang.
Answer: I [————–] dinner when the telephone rang.
Question number”8″
After dinner; we had coffee on the terrace.
Answer: we had dinner, then we [—-] coffee on the terrace.
Question number”9″
Do you have any plans for this afternoon?
Answer: [————] anything this afternoon?
Question number”10″
I’ve decided not to go to work today.
Answer: I’m not [——–] go to work today.
Question number”11″
I’ve arranged to meet Anna at 3.00.
Answer: I [———–] Anna at 3.00.
Question number”12″
Don’t worry. It’s not important.
Answer: don’t worry. It [———] matter.
Question number”13″
It was sunny when I woke up.
Answer: When I woke up, the sun [———-].
Question number”14″
I was nervous because it was my first driving lesson.
Answer: I was nervous because I [———] a driving lesson before.
Question number”15″
When I got home I saw that my window was broken.
Answer: When I got home I saw that someone [———] my window.
Question number”16″
The chicken salad for me, please.
Answer: [—–] have the chicken salad, please.
Question number”17″
I started to wash my car. Then it began to rain.
Answer: I [————] my car when it began to rain.
Question number”18″
What plans do you have for this weekend?
Answer: what [————-] this weekend?
Question number”19″
In my opinion, he won’t come tonight.
Answer: I don’t think [———–] tonight.
Question number”20″
Simon went home before we arrived at the party.
Answer: when we arrived at the party, Simon [———] home.
حلول امتحان انجليزي معاني

2-[does he]
4-[are you getting]
5-[Shall I help]
6-[was playing]
7-[was ,,,,ing]
9-[Are you doing]
10-[going to]
11-[‘m meeting]
13-[was shining]
14-[hadn’t had]
15-[had broken]
17-[was washing]
18-[are you doing]
19-[he’ll come]
20-[had gone]

 توقيع : ضَـيء

-‏الصفوف الأخيرة ليست صفوفي!
‏ أنا أينما أقف يبدأ العد .."💙💎

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